Golden Narragansett

Golden Narragansett

This variety is basically a Narragansett carrying a single red gene. Genotype: (b'b' nn Rr) for toms and (b'b' n- Rr) for hens.

Red (r) in combination with the (n) Narragansett factor changes the steel gray color of the typical Narragansett to a golden coloration.

This variety produces three results: Narragansett, Golden Narragansett, and a bronze-based Buff, better known as Bourbon Buff.

The Narragansett and Buff produced will breed true.

Narragansett toms can also be bred to Golden Narragansett hens (or vice versa) which will produce Narragansett and Golden Narragansett 50/50, with no buffs being produced in this cross.

Golden Narragansett Hen

Golden Narragansett Poults